My vision is to create sanctuaries that reconnect us to nature and support the raising of global consciousness

Mark Leib


For fifteen years I’ve been studying and practising ancient harmonic science.

My principle training is in the European ‘Master Builder’ Tradition. This is a unique school containing the building, design and Earth wisdom of the Arabic, Celtic & Vedic cultures.

I’m the only person in the UK to have undertaken the professional training in this tradition and to be offering it’s methods.

Research Lab

I’m a director at Earthlight in Somerset where I’ve created a research programme to analyse the effects of harmonic & biophilic Design on plant health, consciousness and healing.

Our research topics include:

Sacred Geometry, Paramagnetism, Earth Energies, Pyramid Science, Water, Harmonics & Shape Power.

We’re achieving inspiring results on seedling germination with golden-ratio pyramids and the use of ‘electro-culture’ methods upon plant growth and yield.

Contemporary Wellness Architecture

My vision to create exceptional, high vibration sanctuaries is founded upon twenty-five years experience within international design studios.

As a multi-disciplinary Interior Architect & Design Director I specialised in the creation of award-winning hospitality concepts & brand strategies.

The Essence of Wellbeing

It’s my experience that streams of etheric energy animate all of existence, creating an organic web of consciousness. 

This hidden vibrational power manifests itself as beauty, order and harmony, as the rhythms of the planets, the geometry of flowers and the golden waves of morning sunlight.

I’m passionate about interpreting this archetypal blueprint and helping people deeply align with nature.

Journey of Transformation

My initiation into nature-based design has been a profoundly transformative journey of mind, body and spirit. 

This transformation was activated by training and experiences in authentic wisdom traditions including:

Siddha MahaYoga, Kuala SriVidya, Kashmir Shavism, Tso Jia Neigung, Funei Yang TaijiQuan & Lipan Apache Tracking.

The combination of this training with my connection to wild nature facilitated the deepest results.

I experienced this while on retreat and during vision quests in Nepal, Costa Rica, India, Bali, Sweden & Thailand.

To further this connection I lived off-grid within the pristine ecosystem of the Alpujarra mountains of Andalusia in southern Spain.

I now live near Glastonbury, UK where I’m continuing my journey into the heart of nature.

When we create places in resonance with the rhythm of the Earth we instigate deep alignment and connection within our lives.

Mark Leib